Our partners

Aureus Ars & Scientia

Aureus Ars & Scientia is a philanthropic foundation whose main purpose is to foster education, art, and science. It supports entrepreneurship in Belgium through the Pulse Foundation and specifically the BEyond program.


Aureus Ars & Scientia also organizes The Aureus Award, in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg Incubator and Entrepreneurship Programme.

With this prize, Aureus Ars & Scientia finances a US immersion trip for five start-ups from Belgium and Luxembourg to facilitate their access to America.

The trip includes a two-week stay in the USA (in cities including Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco and New York), to meet potential partners, clients, and most importantly, investors.

"With the Aureus Ars & Scientia Prize, we are providing a fantastic opportunity for emerging entrepreneurs who wish to scale their business in the USA. Our entrepreneurs will feel the vibe of entrepreneurship in the USA and have the chance to look for opportunities to grow their companies"
Olivier Van Regemortel
Olivier Van Regemortel
Managing Director of Aureus Ars & Scientia asbl.

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